Throw a stone in the internet marketing pool, and it will land on a course that will teach you exactly how to drive that traffic and get conversions.
But once you have subscribers joining your list, what do you do?
Time and again I see marketers who are totally focused on building their list, but once they have those first subscribers, they’re clueless on what to do next.
Usually, they’ll send out a few emails that say, “BUY THIS PRODUCT! OR THAT GADGET”
9 times out of 10 those emails end up in the spam folder. If they don’t, the prospect either doesn’t open the emails, or if they do, they don’t click on any links so they don't buy anything.
This is when the new marketer says, “Email marketing must be dead.” Or, the new marketer works hard to create amazing content for their list, sending all kinds of wonderful, helpful things for days and weeks. Then when that marketer finally sends an email with an offer, they hear crickets. And then that marketer probably says email marketing is dead, too.
Yet, there are thousands, even hundreds of thousands of marketers making a full time living with their email lists everyday.
So, what is it that they’re doing right, and how can we copy that?
I’ve studied the losers and the winners in email marketing, and here’s what I’ve discovered:
Just like blog posts, articles, social media posts, reports and so on, emails are content. And to get your emails opened and read, every single one of them has to do one or more of the following:
If every email you send out does at least one of these three things, then your readers will continue to open and read your emails.
Every email you send out should have a link. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. You’re training your readers to click, and if there’s no link, then they can’t click.
And for 98% of your emails, that link should be a BUY link.
You built your list to make money, right. Yes, you might have other reasons, too, but let’s be honest: Your list is your business, and you need to treat it as a business.
As long as you are ONLY promoting GREAT products, you should be 100% confident in sending out a buy link in every emails.
In the few emails that you put a link to something free, there should be a buy link very close. It might be inside the freebie or on the same page as the freebie, but it’s there. Train your subscribers from DAY ONE to click your links.
Okay, if you absolutely, positively must take one day off each week, that’s okay. But ideally, you’ll be sending an email every single day. And you can always schedule an email for the day you take off.
Are you worried that people will unsubscribe because you email daily? Don’t.
First, worry is useless. Second, some will unsubscribe. Some ALWAYS unsubscribe, no matter what you do or don’t do. It’s inevitable, and it means that you are not the right fit for them and they are not the right fit for you.
Learn to love the unsubscribes, because each one tells you that you are doing something RIGHT.
Remember this: One third of people will LOVE you. One third of people will DISLIKE you. And one third of people won’t give a crap either way. That's just the way it is. It’s business. It’s the way the world works. So don’t worry about it, embrace it, because you can earn a literal FORTUNE from that one third of people who love you.
Send out your daily email in the morning. Then, later in the day (afternoon or evening, your choice) go into your autoresponder and send out the same email to everyone who did not open the email from that morning. Change the subject line to something like, “Did you miss this notice about…” or something like that.
By resending to those who did not open the first email, you will get more opens, which means more clicks and more sales.
If your autoresponder allows it, do this automatically so you don’t have to manually do it each day. If your autoresponder does not allow you to resend to the un-opens, then get a new autoresponder.
This is a rough estimate, but approximately 20-25% of your sales will come from that second mailing each day. That is a LOT of money to leave on the table from not doing this simple step.
There you have it. Now that wasn’t so difficult, was it? Following these four steps while continuing to build your list can earn you a fortune. Then never again will you let anyone tell you that email marketing is dead, because you will know better.
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